Saturday, May 10, 2008

Things Heat Up for the Polar Bears...

The BioGems article focuses on the extinction of one of the most amazing animals in our planet…polar bears. These bears need our help. Their home is literally melting away beneath them due to global warming. Polar bears spend most of their summers roaming in large chunks of floating ice. Unfortunately, without these large chunks of ice, it is difficult for the polar bears to survive. Over the past three decades, more than a million square miles of sea ice have disappeared. Some scientists predict that a large amount of the summer sea ice that polar bears depend on for survival will disappear in approximately in 20 years. As a consequence, the world’s polar bears will face global extinction by the end of this century.
It is obvious that the terrible impact of global warming on the polar bear populations is on the rise due to increasing amounts of drowning, starvation, cannibalism, feeding dislocation, and reduced cub survival of the polar bears. The evidence is here.
It is time for Bush Administration to take action immediately. These furry beautiful animals deserve the chance to have a home like any other animal in this world.

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