Monday, May 12, 2008

The Hybridization of Two Species...

The hybridization between polar and grizzly bears used to be a theory. That theory has become a reality due to global warming. As biologist Dr. George Divoky, who has worked in the Arctic region for over thirty years, says,
One of the real things that are happening is that grizzlies are moving north, at the same time the polar bears are forced to be on the beach and we have found a number of grizzly bear polar bear hybrids.
Regions where rarely polar bear used to wander around, now there can be as many as twenty polar bears looking for food. This illustrates the effects of climate change. As polar bears habitat disappears, they face starvation which makes them forage other areas for food. In this intent of looking for food, some polar bears mate with grizzly bears which produce a hybrid bear species which scientists call a grolar bear. As nature can be very uncertain and amazingly resilient, the new hybridization of these two magnificent species may be one of the few probable ways for the polar bear genes to continue surviving in the wild. Now that the genes of these two bear species are starting to mix as the global warming crisis intensifies, some believe that this may be the only way for the polar bear population to avoid total extinction.

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